Empowering women to grow & flourish in their faith by knowing and applying God’s Word.

Donna is passionate about sharing God’s truth—whether speaking, writing, or sharing her testimony. She makes Scripture relatable and even fun, reminding us that while we’re imperfect, we’re deeply loved by a perfect God. She believes the more time we spend with god, the more we reflect His heart.

When Hope Comes

Discovering God's Character and
Our True Identity
Through the Book of Ruth

Join me as we embark on a captivating journey through the timeless book of Ruth. A story of how God's providential hand brings hope to a shattered family on the brink of extinction. We will witness the profound impact of divine intervention and the power of faith in the face of adversity. Prepare to be inspired by the resilience and triumph of the characters, who foreshadow God’s loving kindness and his redemptive heart. Once we grasp the essence of God’s character, it is then we can find our true identity in the One whose image we bear.

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Meet donna

I am thrilled you are here! Whether you have been a Christian a long time or just exploring who Jesus is, you've come to the right place.

This is a safe place to ask your Bible questions and engage in our discussion and video blogs and online teachings. If I don't know the answer to your question, I will do my best to find it. I love researching all biblical topics!

The goal is to know God better through His Word and  embrace the transforming truths of the Gospel. It is then you can walk in your true identity reflecting the One whose image you were created to bear.

Where to find more content



This blog is a space to inspire anyone seeking a deeper understanding of who God is, his Word and how his message of love and truth can transform your life. Our aim is to encourage and equip you to flourish in your personal faith as you engage in these articles, stories and video teachings.   If you have any questions or comments, here is the place to leave them. 

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Dive into a world of inspiration with our enriching podcasts. Here, we bring the Word of God to life through insightful discussions, personal stories, and meaningful conversations. Join us on this auditory journey as we explore the timeless teachings of the Bible, providing you with a daily dose of encouragement and spiritual growth.


ONLINE bible studies

Take a listen to Donna's recent study.

Donna breaks down the story of Ruth, an extraordinary Old Testament book that tells a story of God's sovereign love for the helpless and the outsider, as well as the virtue of those who model his character in practical acts of compassion.

Online Teachings

Our online teaching platform is a sacred space for women seeking to deepen their spiritual journey through immersive audio and video experiences.  Take a listen to "Gospel Lessons from the Book of Ruth," our first online audio class, and a variety of video devotionals encouraging faithful living and freedom in Christ.  

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When Hope Comes 

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When Hope Comes 

Stay connected with us to unlock the deep and timeless truths in Donna's new book.  When God's story becomes our story! 

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Speaking Events

Are you seeking a speaker to address your women's conference or retreat? Look no further. Donna is ready to share her biblical insights and years of teaching and training with your women.  Donna loves to uncover the deep truths and contextual meaning of Scripture, so get ready to dig deep into the life-changing treasure of God's Word!

To get a feel for Donna's teaching style please check out  some of the online video teachings.

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Read our latest blog posts!

Why Crucifixion? Why not end Jesus’ life by scourging or being stoned to death? Because the Jewish authorities would have known the teaching in Deuteronomy which states anyone who hangs on a tree will be cursed by God. “And if a man has committed a crime punishable by death and he is put to death, […]

Being creatures of habit and expectancy, we often take for granted the presuppositions we hold to be true. We can overlook seemingly insignificant details in current events or characters in our favorite TV miniseries. And we might disregard obscure details surrounding familiar Bible stories we’ve learned growing up. When we bring into focus those details […]

What good Jewish mother wouldn’t do what this mother did for her two sons? As a mother of four boys I can empathize with wanting what’s best, or at least what I believe is best for my sons.  Unfortunately, we often allow our presuppositions to influence our beliefs and choices. In this passage we will examine how a mother’s request to have her two sons placed in prominent positions of honor and proximity to Jesus misses the essence of His mission and the heartbeat of discipleship.

This week in our journey through Matthew, Jesus will once again put forth children as examples for his followers, preparing us for his exchange with a rich man who is unable to enter into the kingdom of God because of his wealth (Matt 19:13–30). This story also appears in Mark’s Gospel. In this article, Donna […]

This research paper satisfied my requirements for obtaining my MS degree in Theology. It is long and more academic, but if you have the stomach for it and like to get down and dirty in the details, enjoy the read! 1 Timothy 2:11-15 Thesis Statement This paper will show that Paul’s exhortation in his letter […]

Proverbs 3:5 tells us to trust God with all our hearts. But how do we do this? The second part of this verse gives us some insight. It tells us not to lean on our own understanding. Leaning on our own understanding can be a stumbling block to trusting God. Today we explore how we […]


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